Death of Socrates by Lous David$370.00
Irises, 1889 by Van Gogh$300.00
Hunters in the Snow by Bruegel$280.00
Vercingetorix Throws Down his Armor by Royer$270.00
Bridge Over a Pond by Monet$250.00
Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 by James Abbot Mcneill Whistler$225.00
View of the Mount Marseilleveyre and the Isle of Maire$210.00
The Night Watch$210.00
The Oath of the Horatti by Louis David$200.00
The Apotheosis of Homer$190.00
The Battle of Issus by Altdorfer$280.00
Giovanni Arnolfini by Van Eyck$280.00
Thomas Jefferson$220.00
John Adams by Gilbert Stuart$220.00
James Madison by Gilbert Stuart$220.00
Girl with the Pearl Earing by Vermeer$220.00
Art of Painting by Vermeer$220.00
American Gothic$220.00
Agnus Dei by Zurbaran$220.00
Ludwig Van Beethoven$200.00
Self-Portrait at the Age of 28 by Durer$190.00